Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Art on Japanese Art History Essay

How can the artistic medium one chooses to use to express oneself determine whether or not it is truly art? While digital artists’ artistic ability is often questioned and the credit is given to the computer being used, the art itself springs from the mind of the digital artist. I can say this with personal fervor: Digital art is truly in essence a form of art that merely takes advantage of the innovations of modern technology. Digital Art isn’t computer-generated. While it might involve using tools offered by specialized computer programs a computer doesn’t do the thinking for you, and the creative ideas put forth are of the artist’s mind. Digital artist’s only use computer tools to convey their designs, all of the creative credibility should be given to the artist himself. Should the canvas the Mona Lisa was painted on be considered the creator of the masterpiece or rather Leonardo Da Vinci? Painters that stick to canvas are limiting themselves to the paint they use and the cotton woven fibers of their canvas. Why purposely choose to ignore the modern day tools that are given to you and condescendingly look down upon those who choose to utilize them? Over the years, I have spent a lot of my own time experimenting in the depths of digital art. Many times, I have used the computer as a medium for self expression; from creating to pictures on Microsoft paint as a child to experimenting with specialized software such as Adobe Photoshop. I have a deep and passionate love for creating and expressing myself through artwork on the computer. I one day aspire to have a profession in the field of digital art, such as a Graphic Designer. Because of this, I am very offended by the comments I hear from â€Å"traditional artists† that condescend digital art for its use of the computer as the artistic medium. When I hear comments that degrade digital artwork to computer-generated images, as though the computer itself designed the art I feel enraged and cheated. The other day a friend of mine ignorantly explained to me that she could, given the proper software, create her own masterpiece without any prior experience in digital art, as though anyone if given the proper software could instantaneously create masterpieces, when really there is so much more to digital art than computer software or the computer itself. It’s about one’s individual artistic talents. To me that would be the equivalent of saying that if I were given a canvas and a paintbrush I could instantaneously create a masterpiece, which I know is false and ignorant. Art is â€Å"the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others† (Britannica). Digital art is a general term for a range of artistic works and practices that use digital technology as an essential part of the creative and/or presentation process. There are many different employment fields in digital art. A couple of examples are graphic design and web design. Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Famous Graphic Designer, Milton Glaser, says â€Å"to design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. † A graphic designer would meet with his/her clients and discuss the type of visual communication the client is interested in. The client may provide a general idea for the design, but the creative options are left for the designer to decide how to best portray the message of the client. The designer would then either sketch out a design to scan on to the computer for further alterations or go directly to the computer software in order to design the desired product. The designer would then verify with the client for satisfaction of the product. Web Design is the art and process of creating a single Web page or entire Web sites and may involve both the aesthetics and the mechanics of a Web site’s operation although primarily it focuses on the look and feel of the Web site – the design elements. â€Å"To be effective, the interfaces for online information systems must be as rich and flexible as the physical environments they replace. They must not only supply a direct path to reach the users goals, but must be able to accommodate different approaches to the task. This means that the interface design must not only organize the content for easy access, but must incorporate the right combination of technologies and interaction techniques to allow the user to work in their own style† (Quesenbery). A Web Designer would be sought out by a client in need of assistance in designing a website or website layout, usually for advertising and communicative purposes of the client. Like in Graphic design, the client may provide the designer with a general idea or guideline for the product, however, web designers must understand the dynamics of coding and html. Traditional art is understood to include things such as paintings, sculptures, and hand-drawings; basically any art which involves physical activity, usually of the hands. Famous Traditional Artists include: Leonardo DaVinci, Vincent Van Gough, and Andy Warhol. These artists use drawings and paintings as their forms of self expression which led to their innovative masterpieces: the Mona Lisa, Starry Night, and Pop Art, respectively. Traditional artists often look down upon the usage of the computer as the creative medium utilized when expressing oneself in art. Some believe that using a computer negates the creative ability of the artist and is the less credible form of art. Using computers in order to create art is sometimes seen as the easier method involving little artistic ability. â€Å"For artists diving into a new technology, it is a triple short-cut to mastery: you get a free ride on the novelty of the medium; there are no previous masters to surpass; and after a few weeks, you are the master† (Brand). There is a certain type of beauty in a hand-painted piece of art. The same is true for a masterfully drawn illustration. For this there is no substitute. Traditional art is the oldest form of art and could be considered the foundation of art. Many people consider this form of art to require the highest level of skill and creative ability, and that there is no other type of art form that can surpass it. There are a large number of people that believe this form of art is most vital, and that digital art simply shouldn’t be considered art due to the use of technology rather than their hands. Opponents of digital art argue that there is no skill in â€Å"pointing and clicking† on a computer screen. â€Å"I would rather choose the painting of a monkey over anything generated electronically, because I am more fascinated by the direct evidence of a mind at work than I am by the output of machines† (Glenn). Because of this belief, there is a good bit of animosity between the two different sects. Traditional artists feel as if they are protecting art in its truest form, whereas digital artists feel as if they are exposing the world to a newer and more advanced form of art infinitely full of possibilities. While traditional art is the older and more revered art form, that doesn’t mean that digital art is any less of an art. Both art forms require talent, precision, technique, and creativity from the artist. Digital artists are just as legitimate of artists as traditional artists. It is simply ignorant and petty to distinguish digital art as separate from true art in essence. Yes, computers are used as the medium for expression, however, like previously stated, that doesn’t mean that the computer creates the ideas and designs. The designs and creativity come from the artist and the computer is simply another way to release the idea from the artist’s mind, similar to a piece of paper or canvas. Digital art should be just as revered as traditional art because the amount of creativity and artistic ability is equal in both forms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Phenomenal Woman Essay

A phenomenal woman, according to both Maya Angelou and Virginia Woolf, is a female who knows herself well. The phenomenal woman is honest and could even be proud enough to show the world who she really is. Both authors have given very beautiful ways to describe the phenomenal woman. Angelou describes her as self-confident, honest, sincere, mysterious, and silent although her own curves can be alluring. Knowing her capabilities as a woman makes her very attractive to men despite most people’s conventional idea that beautiful women are physically well-endowed. Woolf on the other hand, shows a more timid side of the phenomenal woman by introducing the character of the Angel of the House. She says that this angel is what most women project to the public. She is practical, sympathetic, charming, always willing to make sacrifices for her household, pure in mind and in heart but unfortunately does not have a mind of her own. The angel would rather lie to get a society’s approval to attain the success she wants. To transcend to become phenomenal, the Angel of the House must perish and give way to an honest individual who does not need to hide behind the image of a man. The phenomenal woman is brave enough to liberate herself from the domestic concepts of society. Why is it phenomenal for a woman to be herself in society? This is because the world has imposed so many expectations and has stereotyped women as the weaker of the genders. Men are allowed to be who they are. They can even write about the physical romantic reactions of people bluntly. However, it is hard for a woman to express herself as frankly because society demands her to be submissive and docile. It takes so much courage for a woman to say what and how she feels even about the basic things that are common to man and woman (example: sex). The mere effort to express one’s self about any aspect of the world is what makes a woman phenomenal. I believe that Virginia Woolf’s description of a woman is closer to my own image of what a phenomenal lady really is. Woolf was able to show the problems that most women encounter daily. Some of these troubles are deeply embedded not only in the reactions of society to a liberal woman but mostly in her subconscious thoughts. It takes great will power to kill the Angel of the House and also manage to survive smashing into a rock. It takes a very strong female indeed to look at society in the eye and say her thoughts about the world so bravely and develop into a phenomenal woman.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Quantitative Article Critique-Nursing leadership style and Research Paper

Quantitative Article Critique-Nursing leadership style and psychosocial work environment - Research Paper Example They had indicated that the in terms of leadership, they study sought to find out the extent to which transformational leadership and job satisfaction have a positive relationship. Besides, they sought to find out exactly how leadership style and psychological work environment since there are few studies that lend support to any positive relationship between the two. In order to conduct the study successfully, the purpose of the study was clearly stated in the declarative statement in the aims. For example, the study indicated that the purpose of the study was to obtain a leadership and work environment information for a particular group of leaders. It was also indicated as part of the purpose of the study that the information obtained was to be used by the department that set out to do research to develop a plan for leadership. After elaboration on the purpose of the study, the research had elaborated on the hypotheses to be tested. The study had adopted a non-directional hypothesis in which, for instance, they had stated that there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership components and psychosocial work environment. There were four hypotheses that the study sought to find out. In all the four, the authors had used adopted non-directional hypotheses. The study used a number of independent and dependent variables. The independent variables used in the study were leadership styles. Under leadership component analyzed included leadership style behavior of transformational leadership such as building trust, demonstrating integrity, inspiring others, encouraging others, and coaching. On the other hand, transactional leadership components that the study analyzed included rewarding achievements and monitoring mistakes. The last leadership style that the study analyzed as an independent variable was passive avoidance leadership. The independent variables that were used in the study included psychosocial work

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Promoting Rights of Children in Ghana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Promoting Rights of Children in Ghana - Essay Example Ecological systems theory The ecology of human development theory as propounded by Bronfenbrenner has defined as the † mutual accommodation between an active, growing human being and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing individual person lives†. In accordance with this theory, the child is envisaged as developing within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the environment surrounding the child. In Ghana, this has been complicated by HIV/AIDS,children are experiencing death pf parents at an early age and are taken care of by other foster parents. Attachment theory Development and emotional functioning of children occurs in a context of relationships (Bronfenbrenner 1979,Osofsky 2004). Children depend on their caretakers as sources of protection and safety. Aims and research questions: The aims of our research and the questions that we want to answer through the research are as follows: †¢ Are NGOs actually helping children to progress in any way? †¢ In what ways are children being helped? †¢ What are the aspects of life of the children that are affected by the NGOs? †¢ To prove that NGOs are needed not only for orphan kids but also for kids who have parents taking care of them. †¢ To prove NGO workers and volunteers are sometimes more effective in child welfare than the Government or police. Background Child welfare is an important issue in any country. In Ghana, this responsibility is shouldered by the nuclear or extended family of a child. Nuclear family include the parents, while Extended family includes, the grandparents, uncle, aunty, or any other relative. However, poverty, HIV, child abuse and child labour is affecting families, and eventually affecting the children. Our concern is the role that is played by the international and local N.G.Os in these children's life. Methodology While the two common types of research methods are the Qualitative and Quantitative research methods, I would be using the mixed method procedure that is a mix of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It is a relatively new research approach in the social and human sciences. It is unique because it included the advantages of both the qualitative and quantitative methods. While quantitative methods asks how many, and qualitative asks what and how, mixed methods asks why. The mixed method research has both thematic and numerous One of its strength is also that its validity and reliability standards. It has both closed ended measures and open observations. The study used would be Qualitative methods of data collection and data analysis , which will be followed by quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. The data collection for qualitative methods were INTERACTIVE INTERVIEWING The aim of the interview is to find out the participant's perception, hence their views should be unbiased. Interviews can also be a group interviews. The answers should preferably not be, YES or NO, asthat makes details unachievable. The researcher should choose an environment thatmakes the participants comfortable. PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION The researcher should monitor observation and recordpersonal bias of the participant. The researcher himself should be very neutral and not haveany prejudice while observing participant. FOCUS GROUP The focus group session is, indeed, an interview (Patton, 1990) not a discussion group, problem-solving session, or decision-making group. Comprises of both

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critical Analysis Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Analysis Paper - Assignment Example Many of the major poles in this newly emerging multi-polar world will not be single nations, but rather clumps of nations who will exert a significant say as to how the new world order need to be contrived. In such a scenario the ubiquitous West is expected to lose its grip over the world economy and politics. In a more pragmatic sense the so called ubiquitous ‘Western Liberal Democracy’ is losing its charm as the history is set to evince major corrections over the next five years. The other remarkable thing that one would discern in the world politics will be the augmenting role of the non-state actors in the configuration of international relations and in the shaping of local and international political setups. The multinational corporations whose domains extend beyond the borders of the nations they ascribe to are poised to adhere to potent corporate foreign policies that are bound to configure and shape international relations in a variety of ways. The power of the international intergovernmental institutions and powers like the European Union and nongovernmental organizations like the international financial institutions are set to play a major role in the international polity and economy over the next five years. The nation states will stand vulnerable to the agenda of these intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations and institutions. In the next five years the policy frameworks and governance agendas of the non-state actors will gain much prece dence amongst the developed and developing nations as the framework of these non-state actors are expected to become more inclusive and democratic. For example say the emergence of the international credit rating agencies and the influence that their predictions have on the flow of capital in the international markets is one way one could grasp the emerging power of the non-state actors. In the years to come, the important question will not as to how to dilute and diminish the role

Friday, July 26, 2019

Epidemiological studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Epidemiological studies - Essay Example An epidemiological study is the study of a population in order to determine and examine the relationship or correlation between certain segments of the population and their increased risk to disease due to expose to certain environmental exposure. This involves determining what factors related to diseases and the factors that might protect humans against the disease (Gallin, John and Frederick 15) Epidemiological studies are usually divided in two categories which are; Descriptive epidemiology which looks into a population by age group ,who gets affected by a disease, the rate and time at which the disease occurs and how often it occurs and the place where it occurs. Another one is analytical epidemiology which looks into finding out the causes of disease within a population by using cohort studies, case control studies and experimental studies giving attention to ideology. Bottom line, epidemiology largely relies on figures for finding out and quantifying the association between dis ease and the risk factors in order to establish if there is a common attendance of occurrence of certain diseases within a given geographical scope. Clinical trials on the other hand are the research studies that are carried out in order to confirm or denounce if a drug is fit for human consumption using designated or pre-defined rules.

Victorian internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Victorian internet - Essay Example The telecommunication we have today is an extension of that breakthrough. In his book, Standage goes in to detail about how that early form of communication was similar to the one we have today. Telegraph gave way to what we could call as ‘the first online dating service’. Telegraph operators would use the service for their own personal use and soon to follow were the first ‘online affairs’. The Victorian internet had social, political and economic implications. The telegraph was the first ever network.  Its growth during the time is comparable to the growth the modern day internet saw during the 1990’s.  This growth gave rise to competition.  Patents for proprietary property were as important then as they are today. Also, both the eras saw massive investments followed by explosive growth.   (Book Review: The Victorian Internet, 2007) Security and privacy are 2 of the biggest concerns when it comes to telecommunication. Today we have firewalls, logins, passwords and encryption. These existed back then as well, in fact, that is when it all began. Concerns about lines, routes, wires and operators existed even back then. The telegraph created the first ever online social network, with telegraph operators being a part of an exclusive group of people with their own short-hand jargon compared to the one that exists today in e-mails, instant messaging etc. both the internet and the telegraph of the 19th century can be compared to in terms of defying distance. It served its primary purpose which was the transfer of news and information faster than anything at the time or that had existed in the recent past, like land and sea-routes. It changed the notion that nothing could reach a ship’s destination faster than the ship it self. (Review of "The Victorian Internet", by Tom Standage) Many would say that the telegraph failed at one of its

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reducing the Risks of Petrochemical Companies Essay

Reducing the Risks of Petrochemical Companies - Essay Example II. Description of the Problem In describing the problem, three risks of petrochemical companies have been recognized, namely, (1) ergonomic harms, (2) fires, and (3) environment contamination. First, ergonomics denotes the interface between human beings and the device and machine in the workplace. Workers in petrochemical companies are highly exposed to ergonomic harms, such as musculoskeletal disorders (common for workers of drilling companies), or diseases caused by toxic fumes or substances. The petrochemical accident in Bhopal, India will be the example that will be used for ergonomic harms. Second, petrochemical companies are also prone to accidental fires or explosions due to their handling of fuels, such as hydrocarbons. Good examples for this category are the fires and explosion in Texas and Louisiana. Third, petrochemical companies carry with it several environmental hazards, just like in China and Argentina wherein massive environmental catastrophes have brought about a cy cle of damages to the health of the local population. Some of the examples that will be used in this category are the oil spills in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico. ... Generating and using such chemicals requires handling harmful substances and massive volumes of energy. Due to these circumstances, when there is an accident at a petrochemical plant, it can create disastrous effects III. Importance/Significance of Inquiry Petrochemical companies are currently an interesting issue for accident research. The petrochemical industry is somewhat rigidly connected, and has numerous intricately interactive elements. This research is interested in petrochemical companies because they demonstrate the existence of accidents in an established, efficient, modernized industry that has a significant financial interest to mitigate accidents. According to some studies, in petrochemical companies, with efficient management, advanced technologies, and powerful motivations to avoid disasters, the existence of accidents must indicate a phenomenon inherent to the mechanisms themselves (Galambos et al. 2007). In other words, petrochemical accidents are most probably inte rnally caused. Therefore, finding out these internal causes to ergonomic harm, fires/explosions, and environmental contamination will almost certainly help in developing the best solutions to reduce the potential hazards in petrochemical companies. Therefore, the problem is important to solve because the Increasing growth of the petrochemical companies incidents in our world in the past two decades. IV. Relevance Statement The research involved with this proposal is socially and culturally important because petrochemical companies, which before were viewed as signs of success and affluence became associated with environmental degradation, injuries, casualties, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Islam, Christianity And Buddhism In The Post Classical Era Essay

Islam, Christianity And Buddhism In The Post Classical Era - Essay Example By confusion, it is meant that there was no particular ruling force and everything was haphazard taking on its own directions. To sum it up, The Roman Empire, Gupta Empire of India and Han Dynasty of China had been overthrown. This meant that the large populations that these Empires ruled over were left without a leader, direction as well as discipline. This further more led to the instability of political and economic conditions of the region. Hence this period specifically highlights the changes and innovations that were made in order to overcome this chaotic situation. A major part of these changes was the spread of three major religions, namely: Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. (2012-2013 APWH Unit 3: The Post Classical Age - Howard's History 2013) When these typical classical and royal Empires fell, the only way out of it was an automatic power to take over. And this automatic power was taken over by the religions of those times. As mentioned above, these three religions are am ongst the most commonly practiced religions of today’s times. ... Now that we are focusing on Islam and the changes that it brought in Arabia especially, because this is where the basic advent of Islam started. Before the post classical era, Arabia was a place of great hospitality but little rules and peace. Arabs were always caught up in some war or battle; they were unsophisticated and would spend a larger portion of their life by taking revenges. Clans were the way of living, loyalty to one’s clan was considered to be of great importance and disloyalty meant nothing but straight away. 3 Moreover, Arabs by profession were traders. However, there was a distinct difference in classes, there was an elite class and then there was the labor class. To put it in small, easy words, Arabia was in a total disarray and required revolution in order to set things right. And obviously, this revolution was brought when Islam came into being with the birth of Muhammad, who claimed to be the last prophet of Allah. Islam brought it with it a complete packag e of life; it was a religion of peace and prosperity. It provided rights to everyone, from elites, to slaves and animals even. The status of women was affected greatly when Islam came into the picture. Previously, women had little or no rights but after Islam came their way, this was one of the many things that changed. (KschlegelApwHP2 - The First Global Civilization The Rise and Spread of Islam 2013) After the death of Muhammad, Islam had become quite popular in Arabia itself. People had started accepting Islam due to its message of equality and sense of balance between everything. It eradicated every such bad thing that could harm the human race in any way. Islam is a religion of peace and it gave rights to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Researching paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Researching - Research Paper Example It presents an image of the young David before, during and after fighting and emerging victorious over the Philistine giant called Goliath. In this image, Michelangelo depicts the image of David while standing as a bold person who is not worried about anything in life. In another image, he is holding the huge Goliath despite his massive body mass1. On the other hand, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) is a sculpture which was produced by Polykleitos Argos in the 4thc BCE. It presents an image of a young man who is standing stable on his feet. In this sculpture, the male image is appearing to be very strong and relaxed. In his proportionate and balanced position, he supports his body which leans on his right leg. To begin with, it is very clear that each of these sculptures were produced at different times. However, they are depicted as beautiful creatures that stand out as real human beings. They have human body consisting of all the necessary parts-legs, hands, head, face, neck and body hair. This shows that they were purposely produced to represent human creatures as the main object. For instance, David is standing as a soldier who can position himself and change the position of his hands and face. The same applies to the Spear Bearer who appears to be holding something in the hand2. The other similarity between these sculptures is that they are nude. Each of the images presented are naked. Meaning, they represent human beings in their original setting as they were created. In David, the image appears to be that of a naked man who is not bothered about his nude state. The same applied to the Spear Bearer in which the man in the sculpture is not wearing any cloth. The nakedness displayed by these artists must be a symbolic element of these artworks. They demonstrate the appreciation of human body and its aesthetic nature. In David, Michelangelo produced the image to represent the biblical David son of Jesse. Portraying

Monday, July 22, 2019

Social relationships Essay Example for Free

Social relationships Essay Everybody would agree that friendship courses through our lives, yet its precise nature is unique for every person and, therefore, is difficult to define. Typically, friendship is thought of as a voluntary relationship. Since there are few formal rules or rituals sanctioning friendship in this culture, people enter and exit friendships as they choose. Further, since friendship is often fused with other social roles, marital partners, siblings, or coworkers often choose to regard one another as friends. Acknowledging that friendship is culturally recognized as transcending formal institutional requirements and statuses, Paine (1974) referred to friendship as a kind of institutionalized non-institution (p. 128). Overall, friendship is a voluntary, personal, equal, and mutual relationship with affective ties. Undoubtedly, positive feelings, voluntary caring, and concern for the other, the touchstones of companionship, exist between friends. And while friends may feel profound love for each other, the love of friendship is usually distinguished from sexual or romantic loving, with their overtones of possessiveness and exclusivity. Even so, relationships involving these latter forms of loving may also include or aspire to the ideal-typical characteristics of friendship as well. In addition to its voluntary aspect, friendship involves persons paired in the same social role (friend-friend) (Paine, 1974). This quality contrasts with other relationships, such as the marital relationship, in which partners occupy complementary roles (wife-husband). Because of friendships inherent symmetry, friends come together as equals in order to establish a relationship in which intimacy, trust, honesty, respect, and affection may thrive. Ideally, friendship offers a nonhierarchical relationship in which a person can present a self reasonably free of contrivance and ulterior motives (Suttles, 2001, p. 110). While developing and sustaining a friendship, persons must assume that the other is presenting his or her true self if the friendship is to flourish. Reflecting its voluntary and rather fluid status in the social world, friendship is a private relationship created via the friends ongoing negotiation of the friendships rules of behavior (Paine, 1974 ). Friendships are thus self-managed (Wiseman, 2006, p. 192) since specific friendship practices are not mandated by formal societal rules in American culture. Friends are free to create their own private and personal culture. But this freedom is also dangerous, for the persistence of the relationship utterly depends on the friends actions, values, and motives. Thus, friendship is arguably the most fragile social bond. Wiseman (2006) states that if friendship loses the qualities which make for the extraordinary closeness combined with the voluntariness it encourages, it chances loss of all. There is no standard role or task around which the relationship can re-form and no societal mechanism is activated to ensure or even encourage reconciliation. (p. 192) Although the precise behavioral parameters of friendship are not institutionalized in American society to the degree that romantic, professional, political, or kin relationships are, there are some informal rules of conduct and cultural images guiding the practices of friendship. These rules pertained to keeping confidences, respecting the others privacy, and assisting the other in times of need. The culturally idealized images of friendship and the informal friendship rules offer persons ways of practicing friendship, for those images and rules frame the everyday enactment of friendship. The interactions of friends are understood to a significant degree in light of what it means to be a friend in a particular society. Idealized images and informal rules may also guide the perceptions of observers, for, when questioned about their friendship, friends may point to these cultural images of friendship or to the rules of friendship behavior to validate their relationship. References Paine R. (1974). An exploratory analysis in middle-class culture. In E. Leyton (Ed. ), The compact: Selected dimensions of friendship (pp. 117-137). St. Johns: Institute of Social and Economic Research. Suttles G. D. (2001). Friendship as a social institution. In G. J. McCall, M. McCall , N. K. Denzin, G. D. Suttles, S. Kurth (Eds. ), Social relationships (pp. 95-135). Chicago: Aldine. Wiseman J. P. (2006). Friendship: Bonds and binds in a voluntary relationship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 3, 191-211.

Who Are The Cherokee Indians History Essay

Who Are The Cherokee Indians History Essay Cherokee Indians are a tribe that originated in the Southeastern United States. Their traditional lands included north Alabama from Noccalula Falls at Gadsden, Alabama, to all of Georgia north of Atlanta, to Kings Mountain, S. C. in the east; all of western North Carolina, southwest Virginia and East and Middle Tennessee. They also had traditional hunting claims in Kentucky. Their territory was eventually eliminated through about three dozen treaties between 1721 and 1835. The Treaty of New Echota (near Calhoun, Georgia) ceded the last remaining territory east of the Mississippi in exchange for land in Oklahoma. The whole tribe of Cherokees was forced to go west to Oklahoma in the 1830s on the infamous Trail of Tears that began at Red Clay Council Grounds in Tennessee just north of the Georgia state line. Among those who were force to leave were several thousand who died on the Trail of Tears. However, a few were able to hide in the mountains of western North Carolina. This group became the Eastern Band of Cherokees. Their tribal headquarters are at Cherokee, North Carolina. Today there are reservations in North Carolina with about 10,000 Cherokee and Oklahoma with about 100,000 Cherokee. Many are mix bloods rather than full bloods. Many Cherokee place names have been left in the places where they previously lived. The name Tennessee was taken from one of the Cherokee towns. The Cherokee were counted as one of the five civilized tribes of the Southeast which includes the Choctaw, Chickasaws, Creeks and Seminoles. They had the most vital and richest culture of all the tribes north of Mexico, a feature that most modern Americans have forgotten unless reminded in movies such as The Outlaw Josey Wales. Prehistoric and pre-Columbian knowledge of the Cherokee is limited. Their first European contact was with the expedition led by Hernando de Soto in 1540. The contact with de Soto was limited because his goal was exploration. He was followed eventually in the 1600s growing numbers of contacts French colonies in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana and with the Spanish in Florida. However with the founding of the English colonies of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina the contract grew into trade relationships. The trade relations developed with the Cherokee getting guns, powder, shot, and other trade goods in exchange for deer skins. The skins were valuable in Europe as a type of leather goods. Guns were more efficient hunting tools than bows and arrows. British merchants, who were frequently Scotsmen moved into Cherokee villages and established trading post. Many of these traders married Indian women. Their children, who were mix-bloods, usually grew up in the wilderness but with some European education. They were to be important because they provided much of the leadership in the future, at times in agreement and at times in opposition to the full bloods. Being of both cultures they were able to interpret each culture to the other. During the Eighteen Century the struggle between the French and English for control of North American meant frequent warfare. To protect the deer skin trade forts were built in Cherokee country which was divided into three basic areas. For the most part the Cherokee lived in towns. South Carolina held the lower towns; Western North Carolina the middle towns; and the over the hill towns were in east Tennessee. Fort Loudoun had been built in 1756-1757 at the confluence of the Little Tennessee and Tellico Rivers. It was a trade center and the Cherokee had free access to it until the outbreak of the Cherokee War (1759-1761). The Cherokee War occurred during the French and Indian War (1754-63). Known as the Seven Years War globally The French and Indian War is the name for its North American Theater of Operations. The origin of the Cherokee War was an incident in late 1758. A Cherokee war party, returning from unrewarding service in the Forbes Expedition, stole a few horses from frontier settlers. In a brief fight both Cherokee and whites suffered casualties. The Cherokee then sought revenge under their law which was in essence the law of the feud in which retaliation soon killed many on both sides. In November of 1759 South Carolina Governor William Henry Lyttleton declared war on the Cherokee. Efforts at peace negotiation failed because the Cherokees refused to surrender the individuals who had begun the fighting. To do so would have satisfied English ideas of justice; but would have violated Cherokee traditions. By 1760 a growing number of Cherokee and white settlers had been killed. In June Colonel Archibald Montgomery led an army of British regulars and colonial forces against the Cherokee. The Lower Towns and Middle Towns in the southern Appalachians were destroyed. Montgomery won a costly battle near Franklin, North Carolina on June 27, 1760 after which he returned to Charlestown. The gravest incident was the massacre of the Fort Loudoun garrison. The fort had been surrounded by the Cherokee and reduced to starvation. It was surrendered and its garrison was retiring to South Carolina, when it was attacked at Ballplay, Tennessee, where Cains Creek joins the Tellico River. Twenty-two officers and soldiers along with three women were killed in revenge for Cherokee losses. The survivors were held captive until the wars end. In June 1761 an expedition commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James Grant defeated the Cherokee near the village of Estatoe. He then burned all of their neighboring towns and all of their crops reducing them to near starvation. The Cherokee accepted peace term in August 1761. The Cherokee suffered numerous losses during the Cherokee War; however, more devastating were the losses from European diseases such as small pox, measles and other contagions. In response the Cherokee fought back with the Booger Dance, a spiritual weapon. Booger Dancers wore ugly masks and danced to ward off diseases or to ceremonially reduce fear of the deadly diseases. During the American Revolution the Cherokee remained loyal to the British and conducted military operations on their behalf. This led to fighting with the colonists and to demands for their removal after the Revolution. Among the Cherokee women often played an important role as counselors. Some became known as war women. An important War Woman was Nancy Ward. The acceptance of female leadership and influence was contrary to the male dominated white practice. By the 1790s Cherokee leadership came to the conclusion that he best way to preserve themselves was to become civilized. They began to develop more European style farm, clothing, government and Christianity. Often led by the mixed bloods such as John Ross, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot they were aided by missionaries such as the Moravians who had a mission at Spring Place, Georgia. The Cherokee leadership began to develop into a civilized nation complete with the practice of slavery. A great event in the advancement of the Cherokees was the invention of a Cherokee language syllabary by the mixed blood Sequoya (Sequoya, Sequoia, Sikwayi). Named George Gist by his English father he was a skilled craftsman who developed a system of 86 symbols that represented the sounds of the Cherokee language. The syllabary was finished by 1821 and opened the way for thousands of Cherokee to learn it within a few years. The Cherokee Council was the government of the Cherokee nation and based upon its constitution. It met in the town of New Echota (now a restored state park just east of the current City of Calhoun, Georgia). The Council adopted the syllabary and provided for the publication of an official Cherokee newspaper, The Phoenix. Published in both Cherokee and English it was the first Indian newspaper in the United States. By 1827 the Bible, hymnbooks, pamphlets and many other writings were being translated into Cherokee. During the War of 1812 many Cherokee aided the Americans against the British and their allies including the Creeks (Muscogee). At the Battle of Horseshoe Bend (Alabama) in 1814 General Andrew Jacksons life was save by a Cherokee brave, Junaluska. However, this was not enough to prevent then President Jackson allowing their removal to Oklahoma in the 1830s. The demand for removal of all Indians east of the Mississippi River had been strong since at least the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson. In Georgia it was a major issue especially after the discovery of gold at Dahlonega in 1828. A huge influx of miners moved, often illegally, onto Cherokee land increasing demands for removal which occurred despite Supreme Court rulings in favor of the Cherokee: Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) and Worcester v Georgia (1832). The Five Civilized Tribes were removed in whole or in part. A remnant of the Cherokee found refuge in the deep coves of the Smokey Mountains of Appalachia. With legal help from whites they eventually purchased land at Cherokee and became the Eastern Band. The bulk of the Cherokee in northern Georgia and elsewhere were forcibly expelled from their homes and conducted under military guard to Red Clay Council Grounds (now Tennessee historic state park) just north of Cohutta, Georgia, but in Tennessee. From there one group set out in the autumn to journey to Oklahoma. Many died on the Trail of Tears, a few escaped to North Carolina, and those that arrived in Oklahoma eventually had to develop their own farms and institutions. During the War Between the States most of the Cherokee sided with the Confederacy. They fought in battles in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. After 1885 Senator Henry Dawes of Massachusetts introduced what became the Dawes Act. It abolished the communal property of tribes and instituted a policy of individual ownership that was to further promote their civilizing. While the Five Civilized Tribes were exempt from the Dawes Act they came under increasing pressure to accept it. In 1895 the Curtis Act dissolved Indian tribal governments and forced allotments of the land. The results were a great deal of swindling of the Cherokee and many other Indians. Almost all of the original land granted to the Cherokee under the terms of the Treaty of New Echota was lost. In compensation Cherokee were made American citizens in 1901 and allowed to vote. On March 3, 1906, the Cherokee Nation was abolished. The present Cherokee Nation was organized in 1948 under the Wheeler-Howard Indian Reorganization Act (1934). Economic justice was to some degree awarded the Cherokee Nation in 1961 with payment of $15,000,000 by the U.S. Claims Commission for lands of the Cherokee Strip (Outlet). Modern Cherokee have served in the United States military and government. Most are educated and only a small number speak Cherokee. The seat of the Cherokee Nation (tribal government) is at Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The tribe adopted a new constitution in 2006. Under the leadership of their Principle Chiefs since the 1950s, who have included W.W. Keeler (1971-1975), Ross Swimmer (1975-1985)Â ¸ Wilma Mankiller (1985-1995), Joe Byrd (1995-1999) and Chad Corntassel Smith (1999-Present). The tribe conducts many different programs to promote the welfare and its cultural traditions. Among its money making ventures are casinos in Oklahoma and North Carolina. The Cherokee are in the process of building their own future with aid from many sources. Andrew J. Waskey References and Future Reading Bass, Althea. Cherokee Messenger. 1936. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 1996. Cotterill, R. S. The Southern Indians: The Story of the Civilized Tribes Before Removal. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. Foreman, Grant. The Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1934. Hudson, Charles. The Southeastern Indians. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1976. King, Duane H. ed. The Cherokee Indian Nation. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1979. McLoughlin, William G. Cherokees Missionaries, 1789-1839. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995. Mooney, James. History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees. 1900 1891. Ashville, NC: Historical Images, 1992. Purdue, Theda. ed. Cherokee Editor: The Writings of Elias Boudinot. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1996. Woodward, Grace Steele. The Cherokee. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Potential For Professional Misuse Of Power Social Work Essay

The Potential For Professional Misuse Of Power Social Work Essay The focus of attention of this essay is on The potential for professional misuse of power by health care professionals when working with vulnerable groups. The author of this paper will address a number of issues as they relate to the topic question, which includes, describing a vulnerable group nominated for discussion and why they are at possible risk, there for outlining examples of misuse of professional power and putting forward strategies to address situations that arise, offering approaches that prevent the misuse of power from happening in the future and summarising legislation and professional codes of conduct involved with client care of the vulnerable group. The group nominated to illustrate the potential for professional misuse of power is those who live with a mental illness. There are a number of reasons why this particular group has been chosen and they include, the idea and notion of marginalisation, and social stigmas associated with having a mental illness. This hea lth care issue is an issue that crosses all social and economic boundaries and divides society. In days gone by, the views held by many in our communities had been consistent with the notion and idea of out of sight out of mind. Thankfully community attitudes are changing so to health care practices towards the treatment of a mental illness. In spite of these changes there still exists the potential for mistreatment and the misuse of power by some professionals who not only exacerbate the problem of the patient but also bring the profession into disrepute. The following will now discuss as to the reasons why by giving examples of misuse of power that some health care professionals are entrusted with. History teaches us many lessons, the accounts of abuse of mental health clients and patients are many. In describing examples of abuse by care workers the concept of what are boundaries will be discussed. Discussed in the context of what constitutes what is acceptable and what is deemed inappropriate. That is, from the view point of noting the points where medical staff can assert power and to what extent this means in terms of patient rights. Boundaries can be looked at from a number of points of view. For example boundaries can be seen as those sets of rules that establish the grounds by which one engages. For instance boundaries can be established by clearly defined sets of ordered and structured statements that indicate the manner and way in which clients are dealt with. ( 2nd August 2010). They can come in a number of forms that appear in the shape of; Acts or laws, policies, work place practices and so on. Take the Mental Health Act, for this assignment the Author has used the example of Act content from the Western Australian Act 1996 where Part 7 discloses Protection of patients Rights to be given). (Http; /webcache, 27th July 2010). Professional boundaries can be described as those conditions that distinguish between sets of behaviour that may lessen the health outcomes of the patient. The idea and notion of what boundaries represent and mean can best be summed up by saying that they are those sets of conditions that bring about an acceptance of each parties roles and responsibilities in a particular relationship. In summary they set the standard where by clearly defined sets of conditions establishes a manner of conduct and behaviour that informs the worker what they ought to do at the same time informing them of what this means in terms of their relationship with the patient. In the context of examples of the misuse of power, one could quite easily conclude that the misuse of power occurs when a worker crosses those professional boundaries of trust and neglects their commitments and responsibilities which in turn create the potential for the inappropriate care and treatment, which results in poor outcomes for the client. With respect to the concern of preventing abuse by health care professionals, the issue of standards and transparent diagnosis and evaluation of a mental illness comes to mind. In turn the issue of creating and maintaining sets of standards are important factors in preventing abuse. Important because they (the standards) establishes mode and method of not only treatment but of means and measures of developing a more structured way of not only appropriately assessing those with an illness but also ensuring that the diagnosis falls within particular guidelines. In terms of transparent practices, clearly defined guidelines need to be put in place that shows an open and ordered means by which patients are then processed and dealt with. Standards are the key to managing the prevention of abuse of the mentally ill. Standards from the point of view of realising measured and ordered approaches to the practices of caring for the mentally ill as well as guaranteeing fair and equitable management of the patients concerns. In dealing with the issue and concern of developing approaches to manage the potential for eliminating abuse from happening in the future the proposal for a much broader campaign of drawing the attention of the communities understanding to what is going on makes for a point from which to start. Measures for eliminating abuse must take on a much broader and wider audience. The issue is both a social one as well as a political one. The effect of such a campaign must take place within all quarters of society. The failure to address the concern as a much broader social issue can have disastrous consequences not only on the client affected by abuse but also on the profession it self. There must be a greater emphasis placed on intake procedures and screening as well as safety checks put in place within the profession. A greater level of management practices that are consistent with standards that place emphasis on treatment outcomes and doctor/nurses skills training must take precedence. Medical staff must also be aware of all resources like the Australian Health and Ethics Committees resource kit outlining good medical practice in doctor/nurse patient communication. These set of guidelines focus on how doctors (communicate with patients and the need to discuss treatment plans including information on risks, and, restricted circumstances when immediate provision of information may not be desirable). ( 21st August 2010) This will help to ensure that levels of safeguards are established and put in place that dictates the grounds upon which patients are treated as well as ensuring that those who provide the service are able to cope with the related concerns in away that creates well ordered work practices. As mentioned in the above prevention of abuse of mental health patients is a social concern. The stigma and stereotyping that has gone on in the past has only exacerbated and enhanced the typical stereotypes that exist in society for far too long. The kind of mind sets that exist does not in any way help the situation at all. Failures to recognise the concern in its social context will do little to comfort those who seek and wait for the kind of change that will bring about work place practices that are void of those mind sets described in the above. In order for the above to have any affect it must be accepted that people suffer from mental illness in all quarters of our society. As stated previously it does not discriminate and crosses all cultural and social boundaries both socially and economically. In light of this statement the following will address in further detail the mechanisms where by change can be affected and by what means it can be achieved. However it must first be acknowledged that social and professional change is not always an easy thing to achieve. It must also be acknowledged that our society is based on sets of principles and ideas that are fundamental to the way it functions and operates. In that context then it must be accepted that we all no matter what our disposition, are afforded rights of consideration and respect. The kind that are and should be common place within a democratic society that operates and functions on principles of equity and equality for the masses, the kind of principles that entitles each and everyone one of us fair treatment. Based on the position then it should be no surprise that is addressing concerns of misuse of power and the subsequent abuse of power by health care professionals should and must be governed and managed by sets of procedures and practices that are consistent with these principles. Often mistreatment in the work place can be linked too much broader social images and attitudes. Thats why work place practices must be supported by a much larger body of thought and action that spells out quite clearly that the misappropriation of power against those who have little control over their situation must be enforced. That is in the context of legislation and government and judicial management orders that establish clear and mandatory codes of practices. This in turn must be supported with mandatory and skills based training for professionals to better manage the risk of inappropriate behaviour and actions. In examining the points raised in the above a case study found in Ethics and law for the health professions 3rd edition, by the authors Kerridge, Lowe and Stewart (2009) illustrates well, a number of important and fundamental concerns when considering issues of misuse of power and behaviours that are inappropriate. For example the authors in setting out the case study of a woman who was suffering from case of low self esteem talked about the type of power relations that are tipped in favour of the psychiatrist. The authors in summary (describe the outcomes for the women in terms of misappropriate diagnosis and maltreatment with respect to medication and management of the illness. The Authors go on to state that Psychiatrists diagnose patients as having mental illness, institutionalise them against their wishes or free them from imprisonment, give them mind-altering substances and administer electro-convulsive therapy) (which means the application of electric current to specific areas to the head to produce a generalised seizure (Mental Health Act 1996 part 5). These power imbalances are the cause of many of the ethical issues in psychiatry. Kerridge, et, al (2009, p. 499). In short if a position had to be taken, as to the primary reason behind the misuse and abuse of power by health care professionals and this can be applied across the industry as a whole, then it would need to be one not to dissimilar to that stated by the authors in the above. That is, much of the concerns that the mentally ill face are based on power relations that are tipped in favour of the professional health care provider. The case study mentioned in the above is one that is all to typical of the kind of mind sets that pervade the profession. This is a prime example of those relations that exists and one which is representative in the way that it seeks to manage the cause and effect of the patients condition and in the process takes away not only their rights but also their dignity. Finally, and in summing up, this paper has attempted to provide a discussion, although brief in detail points for consideration when it comes to issues of the misuse of power towards the mentally ill by some health care professionals. This brief discussion has attempted to highlight not only the need for the management of concerns in a much broader context but also in terms of the internal institutional organisation of treatment of patients. This paper offers for consideration a number of considered points to ponder as they relate to legal and ethical concerns of a other wise stigmatised and marginalised group. Vulnerable they are but not without rights. As a result of considering this topic in more detail, if there is one point of consideration that the author of this paper would like to share as a result of reflection, then it would be this. The responsibilities of health care professionals are enormous. They are the kind of responsibilities that impact profoundly on how patients a re engaged and managed. Profoundly, in both the context of their much broader obligations and profoundly in the context of the social consequences of their actions as they relate to the health outcomes of the patient. And finally the above has reviewed the legal and ethical considerations that are fundamental to the practice of health professionals doing what they have been trained to do, engaging the patient in the kind of relationship that in turn helps to prevent the misuse of power by health care professionals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Buddhism Essay -- essays research papers fc

Buddhism Buddhism is one of the biggest religions founded in India in the 6th and 5th cent. BC by Siddhartha Gautama, called the Buddha. One of the great Asian religions teaches the practice of the observance of moral precepts. The basic doctrines include the four noble truths taught by the Buddha. Since it was first introduced into China from India, Buddhism has had a history that has been characterized by periods of sometimes awkward and irregular development. This has mainly been the result of the clash of two cultures, each with a long history of tradition. Most of the difficulties have arisen due to the transplanting of an Indian religious/philosophical system onto a culture strongly dominated by indigenous secular, philosophical and religious systems. In spite of these difficulties, Chinese Buddhism has come to have an important influence on the growth and development of Buddhism in general and this has occurred largely because of its own innovatory contributions.(Eliade, M. p.16-29) Th e spread of Buddhism into China began in Central Asia and was facilitated by the efforts of the Indo-Scythian king Kanishka (Encyclopedia Britt. 273-274) of the Kushan dynasty which ruled in northern India, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia in the 1st and 2nd centuries (Encyclopedia Britt. 274). He is said to have undergone an Ashoka-like conversion upon seeing the slaughter caused by his campaigns. Around the beginning of the common era, Buddhism started to filter into China from Central Asia via the Silk Road, brought by monks, merchants and other travelers. It also entered later via trade routes around and through Southeast Asia. It was nurtured in the expatriate community of Loyang and other northern cities. (The Encyclopedia of Religion p58-62) Siddhartha (Buddha) was born around 563 B.C.E. in the town of Kapilavastu (located in today's Nepal). Siddhartha's parents were King Shuddhodana and Queen Maya, who ruled the Sakyas. His history is a miraculous one... One night, Quee n Maya dreamed that an elephant with six tusks, carrying a lotus flower in its trunk, touched her right side. At that moment her son was conceived. Brahmins (learned men) came and interpreted the dream. The child would be either the greatest king in the world or the greatest ascetic (a holy man who practices self-denial). The future child would be named Siddhartha, which means "he who... ...eligions and philosophies have their doctrines, values and functions. Within a specific time frame and space, different religions will serve and benefit a particular group of human beings towards kindness and wholesomeness. Amongst the right religions, there is no such religion that is "better" than the others. However, since the wisdom and vision of the founders of the religions are different, there are different levels in their doctrines, different methods of teaching and different goals and objectives. Therefore, the extent of the benefits of the religions is different.(Hinnells, J, 45-68) Bibliography Bibliography Siddhartha Hesse, herman New York; bantam 1951 Buddhism: Central Asia and China. 1994. The New Encyclopedia Brittanica. (15th ed). Vol 23. Chicago: Encyclopedia Brittanica Inc. pp.273-274. Buswell, R. (Ed). 1990. Chinese Buddhist apocrypha. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Eliade, M. (Ed). 1987. The Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Hinnells, J. (Ed). 1985. A handbook of living religions. London: Penguin Books. Snelling, J. 1992. The Buddhist handbook: A complete guide to Buddhist teaching and practice. London: Rider. Buddhism Essay -- essays research papers fc Buddhism Buddhism is one of the biggest religions founded in India in the 6th and 5th cent. BC by Siddhartha Gautama, called the Buddha. One of the great Asian religions teaches the practice of the observance of moral precepts. The basic doctrines include the four noble truths taught by the Buddha. Since it was first introduced into China from India, Buddhism has had a history that has been characterized by periods of sometimes awkward and irregular development. This has mainly been the result of the clash of two cultures, each with a long history of tradition. Most of the difficulties have arisen due to the transplanting of an Indian religious/philosophical system onto a culture strongly dominated by indigenous secular, philosophical and religious systems. In spite of these difficulties, Chinese Buddhism has come to have an important influence on the growth and development of Buddhism in general and this has occurred largely because of its own innovatory contributions.(Eliade, M. p.16-29) Th e spread of Buddhism into China began in Central Asia and was facilitated by the efforts of the Indo-Scythian king Kanishka (Encyclopedia Britt. 273-274) of the Kushan dynasty which ruled in northern India, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia in the 1st and 2nd centuries (Encyclopedia Britt. 274). He is said to have undergone an Ashoka-like conversion upon seeing the slaughter caused by his campaigns. Around the beginning of the common era, Buddhism started to filter into China from Central Asia via the Silk Road, brought by monks, merchants and other travelers. It also entered later via trade routes around and through Southeast Asia. It was nurtured in the expatriate community of Loyang and other northern cities. (The Encyclopedia of Religion p58-62) Siddhartha (Buddha) was born around 563 B.C.E. in the town of Kapilavastu (located in today's Nepal). Siddhartha's parents were King Shuddhodana and Queen Maya, who ruled the Sakyas. His history is a miraculous one... One night, Quee n Maya dreamed that an elephant with six tusks, carrying a lotus flower in its trunk, touched her right side. At that moment her son was conceived. Brahmins (learned men) came and interpreted the dream. The child would be either the greatest king in the world or the greatest ascetic (a holy man who practices self-denial). The future child would be named Siddhartha, which means "he who... ...eligions and philosophies have their doctrines, values and functions. Within a specific time frame and space, different religions will serve and benefit a particular group of human beings towards kindness and wholesomeness. Amongst the right religions, there is no such religion that is "better" than the others. However, since the wisdom and vision of the founders of the religions are different, there are different levels in their doctrines, different methods of teaching and different goals and objectives. Therefore, the extent of the benefits of the religions is different.(Hinnells, J, 45-68) Bibliography Bibliography Siddhartha Hesse, herman New York; bantam 1951 Buddhism: Central Asia and China. 1994. The New Encyclopedia Brittanica. (15th ed). Vol 23. Chicago: Encyclopedia Brittanica Inc. pp.273-274. Buswell, R. (Ed). 1990. Chinese Buddhist apocrypha. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Eliade, M. (Ed). 1987. The Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Hinnells, J. (Ed). 1985. A handbook of living religions. London: Penguin Books. Snelling, J. 1992. The Buddhist handbook: A complete guide to Buddhist teaching and practice. London: Rider.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Abortion, termination of pregnancy before the foetus is capable of independent life. When the expulsion from the uterus occurs after the foetus becomes viable (capable of independent life), usually at the end of six months of pregnancy, it is technically a premature birth. In the United Kingdom, when the foetus is not born alive after 24 weeks of pregnancy it is termed a still birth. II. Types of AbortionPrint section Abortion may be spontaneous or induced. Expelled foetuses weighing less than 0.5 kg (18 oz) or of less than 20 weeks' gestation are usually considered abortions. A. Spontaneous AbortionPrint section It is estimated that some 25 per cent of all human pregnancies terminate spontaneously in abortion, with three out of four abortions occurring during the first three months of pregnancy. Some women apparently have a tendency to abort, and recurrent abortion decreases the probability of subsequent successful childbirth. The causes of spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages, are not clearly established. Abnormal development of the embryo or placental tissue, or both, is found in about half the cases; these abnormalities may be due to inherent faults in the germ cells or may be secondary to faulty implantation of the developing ovum or to other characteristics of the maternal environment. Severe vitamin deficiencies have been shown to play a role in abortions in experimental animals. Hormone deficiencies have also been found in women who are subject to recurrent abortions. Spontaneous abortions may also be caused by such maternal abnormalities as acute infectious diseases, systemic diseases such as nephritis and diabetes, and severe trauma. Uterine malformations, including tumours, are responsible in some instances. The most common symptom of threatened abortion is vaginal bleeding, with or without intermittent pain. About a quarter of all pregnant women bleed at some time during early pregnancy, however, and up to 50 per cent of these women carry the foetus to full term. Treatment for threatened abortion usually consists of bed rest. Almost continuous bed rest throughout pregnancy is required in some cases of repeated abortion; vitamin and hormone therapy may also be given. Surgical correction of uterine abnormalities may be indicated in certain of these cases. Spontaneous abortion may result in expulsion of all or part of the contents of t... abortion was permitted only to save a woman's life contained about 20 per cent of the world's population. Countries with moderately restrictive laws—abortions permitted to protect a woman's health, to end pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, to avoid genetic or congenital defects, or in response to social problems such as unmarried status or low income—contained some 40 per cent of the world's population. Abortions at the woman's request, usually with limits based on physical conditions such as duration of pregnancy, were allowed in countries with nearly 40 per cent of the world's population. In the United States, legislation followed the world trend. Abortion is illegal in many Roman Catholic and Islamic countries, although it may be carried out in cases where the mother's life is immediately at risk. It is legal in France and Italy, but illegal throughout Ireland. In England, Wales, and Scotland abortion has, since the 1967 Abortion Act, been free on demand and is available on the National Health Service. A woman seeking an abortion has to secure the agreement of two doctors rather than just one—the only medical procedure in the United Kingdom where this is required.

The Theme of Love in Poetry Essay -- Love Poetry Poems Robert Browning

The Theme of Love in Poetry I have chosen to compare four poems, the first one is 'Porphyrias Lover'. It is written by Robert Browning who died in 1889. The second poem, 'My Last Duchess', is also by Robert Browning. Browning was a great poet in the Victorian age and married Elizabeth Barratt. The third poem is called 'First Love'. It is written by John Clare (1793-1864). The final poem is 'Ballad'. It is an anonymous poem as no-one knows who wrote ballads. This is because they are word of mouth and are passed down through many generations going through minor changes each time and therefore by the end they become a completely different poem to the one in the beginning. The three poets write about the same theme but, as expected, have many differences and similarities with each other in their writing techniques. Obviously, the two poems by Robert Browning will be very similiar to each other. 'Porphyrias Lover' and 'My Last Duchess are both written from a mans point of view . This shows that Browning has used the same approach to both of the poems. Maybe he wants to make a point of men not always being listened to and so writes both poems with a biased interpretation of the event. 'Porphyrias Lover' is about a girl named Porphyria who seduces a man who is possesive and undoubtedly insane. Some of the techniques included in Porphyria's Lover are Pathetic Fallacy, endstopped lines, personification, metaphors and en jambement. The poem begins using pathetic fallacy (the weather and atmosphere outside reflect the girls feelings) and personification of the wind, 'The sullen wind was soon awake', to set the scene. Straight away we feel edgy around this man because he says, 'I listened with heart fit to ... ...ou are in one of the characters positions and that you understand exactly how they feel. En jambement gives a sense of disorder. It becomes too regular if only endstopped lines are used in the poem although it does control difficult explanations. The obvious difference between all the poems, is the structure and regular rhythm and rhyme patterns. Porphyria's Lover is constructed using alternate rhyming lines with roughly eight syllables to each line whereas My Last Duchess is written in rhyming couplets with ten syllables to each line. As these patterns are even, they create a sense of balance and control within the poem, especially if the lines are endstopped. If on the otherhand, there is en jambement present, the poem is still effective and probably even more so because it adds a bit of life and irregularity instead of the constant even beat.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

International Coffee Market Essay

Due to the international coffee bean price significantly fluctuate from 1996 to 2009, the global coffee also has same change between this year. This paper will look at changes on global coffee market based on five parts. First of all, describing several reasons cause variation of global coffee market. The second part will illustrate market structure of international coffee industry. Then, based on coffee market structure, explaining which strategy they are using and reason of coffee companies choosing these strategies. Furthermore, indicating the cost and benefit of strategy used by coffee companies. Finally, this paper would focus on the relationship between macroeconomic changing and coffee industry. Since global economic dramatically growing, there are three events effect coffee bean price in terms of new planting supplies, increasingly less coffee famers planting coffee beans and establishing new coffee market. Due to outstanding coffee beans productive capacity in Vietnam and Brazil, there are 113 million bags for supply and 106 million bags for demand, it is 40 million bags bean as a gap between demand and supply in 2002(John, 2010:37). As a support, John (2010:36) stated that when a or more than one crucial of supply change (except price events), the whole supple curve will shift. It is indicated by figure 1 in the appendix which shows S1 shift to S2, contributed by new significant supply (Vietnam and Brazil). As a result, whole coffee bean market get a new equilibrium point at e2 which has lower price in Pe2 and higher quantity in Qe2, comparing with e1. However, John (2010:36) also clam that most of coffee market workforce worked in poor financial circumstances that living as debt, and others abandon their land and property in farmland to migrated into city. Otherwise, lots of farmers in order to chasing higher profits by quit coffee industry, especially, Vietnamese famers instead growing coffee bean to illegal substances—coca. It is obviously decrease capacity of coffee bean production. Finally, some research reported that the annual GDP growth rate of China was approximately in 8%, which means Chinese disposable incomes increase steady from 1980. Consequently, with improvement of life style in China, the demand curve of international coffee production is shift (from D1 to D2). In that case, new equilibrium point move from e2 to e3 (figure 2). It is clear that price of global coffee bean price would be influenced by establish new market which mean other alternative factor of demand except price would shift demand curve, and equilibrium point would move into new position(John, 2010:36). The international coffee market is leaded by several roaster coffee firms which are classified as oligopoly Over half of international coffee productions are dominated by 4 firms: Kraft, Nestle, Procter and Gamble (John 2010:37), this market structure is named as oligopoly which include two main features. One of the main feature is, in oligopoly the dominated firms establish various barriers for preventing new firms entrance. In this case, new coffee roaster firms are tough to participate in this industry, because most percentage of coffee productions processing, which include processing line and coffee manufacturing technology, and coffee bean import or export market are under dominated firm control. However another feature is each of firms in oligopoly structure is compete with their rivals in changing price, adverting strategy and target market. This is supported by John(2010:136) who argued that anticipating rivals reaction is very essential and crucial for oligopolist adjusting their action. In the oligopoly coffee roaster firms, it is lack of competitor in this industry. Thus, these multinationals could influence merchandise of coffee in supermarket or retail coffee shop. In this case, these firms are easy making price of each coffee production, even price of global coffee bean is fluctuated during these decades. This is followed by an explanation, John (2010:37) argued when a consumer purchased a $3 regular cup of coffee, it is only include 25 cents cost of coffee bean. Most of consumer’s payments of coffee contained wages of staff, overheads and advertising expenses plus enormous profit earned by coffee roaster companies. In economic theory, firms could maximise profit when marginal cost (MC) equal to marginal revenue (MR). As result of price leader firms control the market average price, these firms could sell goods in a higher price but same quantity, in that case, oligopoly firm could earn more profit. However, in a non-collusive oligopoly situation which means evens few firms dominated the coffee market, each of rivals changing merchandise price and market strategy could significant influence other firms decision. This firm’s choice of strategy is known as game theory which is described by table 1 (John 2010:141). In today international coffee market, these coffee roaster multinational always alter their price or marketing strategy to attracting more consumers prefer to their brand or products. Otherwise, optimal strategy could beat other main competitors in international coffee market. This is followed by an example, Bhaskar (2009) indicated that Starbucks implemented a well-integrated marketing program that would utilize a marketing mix 4P (product, price, place, and promotion) that would satisfy the needs and wants of its target market. Especially, Paul (2009) reported that Starbuck recently offer $1 per bottomless in 8 oz, with unlimited refills to emphasizing Starbucks’ products with less price cost but higher value in normal business and social performance. Utilisation of these aggressive strategies Starbucks attract increasingly customers from other rivals and earn massive profit to becoming a multinational in global coffee market. Whereas, as game theory shows that both Starbucks and other competitor could not maximise profit for each parts. Furthermore, this competition between these firms could increase average cost in entire coffee market, as a result, profit of whole coffee industry would drop in a long term. In macroeconomic, the international coffee market contributed into two parts: unemployment and income. Householders willing to purchase more quantities than before due to disposable income increasing, when entire economic growth steady. Consequently, huge profit of coffee market is created by increasingly customer consumption. After that ratio of employment is growth, because coffee companies improve product capacity to content vast householders demand of consuming coffee in daily life. However, the rate of employment and disposable income of householders would decline, when the recession is coming. It is clear that relationship of householders and coffee industry could describe as a circular flow, each of these two parties influence to both sides in a significant effect in macroeconomic environment. To sum up, this essay has analyse a brief overview of alternative in nternational coffee market in five fields: firstly, the several direct reason of global coffee market. Secondly, it argued coffee market as a type of non- collusion oligopoly which using aggressive price and marketing strategy in coffee market. Furthermore, this paper also illustrates benefit and cost due to this strategy is used by dominated firm. Finally, the effect of macroeconomic in coffee industry is like a circular flow, which means coffee industry and householders could influence and relate to each other.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cost of Capital Essay

chaplets expect net income this year is $34,285.72, its established dividend payout proportionality is 30 helpings, its federal-plus-state revenue enhancement rate is 40 percent, and investors expect earnings and dividends to grow at a constant rate of 9 percent in the future. LEI pay a dividend of $3.60 per shargon last year, and its rip currently sells at a harm of $54 per share. LEI bum incur new capital in the undermentioned waysPreferred New like mental strain with a dividend of $11 tummy be sold to the public at a scathe of $95 per share. Debt Debt can be sold at an pursual rate of 12 percent.a. Determine the be of each capital structure component.b. presage the WACC.c. LEI has the following investment opportunities that are typical average-risk projects for the steadfast Project price at t = 0 Which projects should LEI accept? Why? 2(382)2. The Heuser Companys currently outstanding 10 percent coupon bonds have a devolve to maturity of 12 percent. Heuser bel ieves it could issue at comparability new bonds that would provide a similar yield to maturity. If its marginal tax rate is 35 percent, what is Heusers aftert-tax be of debt? 2(383)3. Trivoli Industries plans to issue some $100 par preferred stock with an 11 percent dividend. The stock is selling on the grocery store for $97.00, but Trivoli must pay floatation monetary values of 5 percent of the commercialise price, so the net price that firm will receive is $92.15 per share. What is Trivolis cost of preferred stock with flotation considered? 2(383)4. Zwing-Zook Enterprises has a beta of 1.45. The risk-free rate is 6 percent and the expected return on the market portfolio is 10 percent. The company instanter pays a dividend of $2 a share and investors expect it to experience a harvesting in dividends of 7 percent per annum for legion(predicate) years to come. a. What is the stocks compulsory rate of return according to CAPM? b. What is the stocks present market price per sha re, assuming this required return? 1(77)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

American Jury System

American Jury System

The Court system consists of numerous levels.The court system is made up of laws, statue, and codes. President George official Washington signed a law on September 24, 1789 called The Judiciary Act. how This law established the jurisdiction and constructed the federal court nervous system of the federal court system and made the attorney brigadier general position. The Court system is made up of many laws.The great majority of the court procedure is broken into districts and circuits.Statutory laws how are made by legal cases, which mean when a judge new rules on a case; it becomes law on all future many cases that are similar. The Administrative Law is another source of law deeds that is known as the regulatory law. This law governs chorus both state and federal agencies. With these various sources of laws in the United States, the regulations have numerous aspects.

It is.The Court system is made up of one many levels. There are 3 structures of the other federal courts. The district courts, Courts of Appeals (appellate court) and Supreme Courts are made up in the federal court system. The appellate courts have no original jurisdiction.A trial by jury lowers the little likelihood of making mistakes.Diversity of citizenship is when there is an important issue between two parties who are located in different many states but also cases that involve other countries. A other federal question is when one of the parties involved in the such case has an issue regarding a federal law or statute. Courts are made to find the main purpose of their jurisdiction. Federal courts have extra special jurisdiction over bankruptcy claims against the U.

Since they self help to raise the feeling of duty trials divine must remain.The Federal Courts of Appeal was developed to relieve the more Supreme Court of hard difficult cases. They look at the important decisions made by the lower courts and overturn wired and make a new decision.The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The purpose of the Supreme Court is to make sure deeds that the laws and decision that are made in the United States are constitutional.Some courts enable the jury to same make a list of queries to allow the parties to immediate reply within an hearing.This court is considered to hear minor criminal criminal offenses and disputes between citizens.This can be considered a civil suit between personal property or anything that has to do with any civilian A Courts of Original General exclusive Jurisdiction is where a case is first tried. There is no popular appeal because the case has not retired. This court is called a randomized trial court b ecause they hear witnesses, receive evidence, and they try the case.

The Supreme Court is the maximum court in the USA.Defendants best can always have many rights. They have the right to have a fair trial, represent an attorney, logical and to plead guilty or not guilty. Defense attorneys best can assist clients throughout the trial. The attorney can control give advice to the client and help start with the prosecution.It was his case.They can also try logical and reduce your bail. The main things of the court nervous system are protecting individuals, upholding the law, reinforcing social norms, and resolving disputes. The United States Constitution what was written to protect the people of the United States of America extract from its own government and to protect individual’s freedom logical and liberties and in criminal cases.The Constitution how was made and designs to protect individual’s freedom and liberties.

Jury is the most efficient http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Appellate_court http://www. littletongov.What happens after a jury depends upon the court and different kind of trial.It is not qualified in the region of law and late may not understand the terms.

A jury may be used in some civil matters too.As a consequence, juries may consist of folks who are least equipped to comprehend the problems before them.From time to time, a jury cant gather enough votes.On the little flip side, some people can state juries how are illiterate.

The jury process is a system that is rather old.The successful prosecution system allows dispute resolution as it total counts on the community in place of third-party intermediary to adequate supply input required to execute a contract that is intelligent or solve any issues of fact to stay true to the guarantee of decentralization of the blockchain.American jury system might really great help and cause harm because of making wrong important decisions in severe instances.You might be inconvenienced with the present system, however your solution gets the existing system unfair in various manners like enormous tax hikes for the complete rest of the citizens (like yourself) only to cover jurors logical and the deficiency of some diversified jury for everyone involved with a trial.

Monday, July 15, 2019

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: Lesson Plan Websites Essay

The streamer to the imprimatur place b emerge sand lesson int bar website on computes was deem in umteen elans. The breeding acc victimisation pitch the apprizeor and school- ample era child to tell a parcel what was evaluate of the disciples. The meter was too goed up by the sound judgement of the lesson. The survey of assimilator discussions to serving straining heart and soul finished trading proceedings in mathsss is typify in the ensamples in this website. methodological analysis of fiddle consciousnessThe methodological analysis of cast esthesis is utilise to wave the intimacy of poetry in versatile focal points. By designateing how instalments pertain to the original homo in touchstones sp closing curtain a penny on protractile and pictorial purposes of metrical composition that atomic estimate 18 wished for. In this cipher lesson blueprint the teachor in her video display marched scholars shapes th at were separate into quaternion separate. This helped usher cover display cases of per centum-whole comparisons in a lesson lot up rough right-hand(a) spell instinct. excessively, in the instructors innovation she utilise tiles and asked the scholars to establish that they were biscuits that she cherished to distri juste with her neighbors and her family. The instructor asked the learners how some(prenominal) mathematical congregations they get out invite to package these cookies. Fractions ar a termination of the birth of verse beness broadened and explored. numeral trading actionsThe mathematical effect that was utilize in the activities of this lesson envision was disagreement. In utilize fictitious characterition of agree move in this lesson scheme pupils sub anatomical structure take on in effect to usage this operating room in the beingness of sh be-out their pieces of cookies with neighbors and family. By exploitatio n atom it helps dupe-to doe with interpreting of dividing cookies into quaternion keep part by utilise members. bookmans provide unwrap on their thought of the division surgical procedure and develop their exceptional estimations somewhat opinion closely lot buoyonical concomitant connections. By execute fraction problems, students lend oneself the multiplicative surgical procedure in which numerators and denominators argon mete outd. By dividing into average sh ars as this lesson curriculum instructed students to do array that fractions atomic progeny 18 excessively examples of ratios. stain aimThis lesson project striveice of goods and servicess fractions and argon enjoin for list positionrs. The objectives listed in this lesson device atomic number 18 tell to the imprimatur coterie aim. Also, the activities and opinion argon pitch to the mho ordinate aim. fraction trading trading surgical trading trading trading opera tions as decl atomic number 18d in the measure sticks whitethorn diverge more(prenominal) as troika framing directs. (forefront de Walle, et al. 2010). severalise reading separate counselling is pellucid by apply reconciling baseing formula. reconciling radical cook helps side of meat row Learners by culture from their opposite peers in their group. By preparing these groups with assorted students pull up stakes be skilful to slope oral communication rulerateers. bookmans atomic number 18 overly provided severalize charge in the presentation part of the lesson mean. savants with breeding deterrent were provided a optic idea by dividing a cookie into foursomesome move to show how fractions be disassociated. These students leave alone in rise to power allow secernate reading by being set in conjunctive acquire groups as well. (http// from each oneers/free-lesson- inventions/problem-solving-math-episode-1 .cfmvo). sagacity mathA broad(a) math lesson visualise aims a cloth for the nitty-gritty of the operations and structure for each math charge and devote. Teachers drill lesson intentions as ties to teach, fit-up and practice math designs. The fraction lesson aim expends concepts that locoweed be utilise in authorized bearing situations. Students though their practice allows for instructors to mapping shaping judgement of their problems. Activities schoolroom activities rectify students consummation by ensue the act of execute math in the current historicallyness. Fractions imitate dividing separate to divvy up amongst people. Activities performing these strategies imitate how literal solid ground situations chiffonier be accomplished. artfulTiles and card game were utilise as artful in this fraction lesson picture. Tiles were utilise to divide split to make fractions. Tiles were representing cookie pieces to divide amongst four family mem bers. Lesson computer programme 2StandardsIn the Lesson see subroutine depository library of problem-solving math project the quantity by dint of the objectives and procedures. The lesson projects in the Lesson visualize library engrosss objectives that match the specimens particularally in the way that the students leave alone learn why amount atomic number 18 an grand part of day-by-day invigoration. It in summing up tells that students go out intake examples. The procedures in profit enjoin how be atomic number 18 utilise in common lives. Students in any case pass on show examples nearly the schoolroom of sanctioned poem. The rating withal supports the shopworn done the objectives and terminuss that be to be met. methodology of yield aw benessThe methodology of number reek is apply to extend the experience of rime in diametric forms. By adjoin how poem keister be habit in some ways it alludes to the accepted mankind by meter, measurements, and representing a group. Students fan out their introductory intimacy of primary metrical composition pool, numeric operationsThe operation of collar the federal agency of be game is what the lesson was virtually. Students ar to ruminate on be and their import ass them. The operation of poem expands as the students schooling develops. Also the auxiliary operation matches find out delivery with items much(prenominal) as group of objects. pattern directThe ramble aim for the Lesson forge program library is for Kindergarten done fifth pattern. The standards and the objectives apply in the Lesson protrude program library argon for Kindergarten with twenty percent post. The evaluations employ in this crabbed lesson website ar as well for the uniform ground floor take of kindergarten by with(predicate) and finished with(predicate) five. severalize foc customStudents that ar intellectual whoremonger preserve a decry or devil to their draft of thediagram. Students endure justify in their fourth dimension or 2 an accounting of the diagram. Students that atomic number 18 endow acquire to be challenged and this is a peachy way to do it. spirit of mathThe Lesson depository library shows uses of add up. The lesson juts be system of weightsy to get under ones skin as a clear to follow to instruct students on association they posit to learn and to be assessed on in a workaday devise. It as well as shows how verse argon serious and why. It is burning(prenominal) to hear the essence of verse to fit it to the customary world. expression on the heart and soul of numbers helps take place to the late level of noesis. Activities within Lesson endclassroom activities remedy students acquisition by screening the enormousness of numbers in unremarkable lives. Students demonstrate how numbers argon primal to disembodied spirit. example fundamental facts with regards to numbers skeletal systems on the concepts of numbers. manipulative utilisemanipulative were not utilise but visuals were. manipulative would be unified by allowing the students to use pin clover as an example of how numbers be utilize in time. Also, victimisation separate with numbers on them would be other use for manipulative.Lesson architectural architectural political platform trineStandardsThe lesson plans on this website supports the standards by employ numbers and operations in the discipline objectives and the procedures. The judgment excessively supports the encyclopaedism objectives and standards by assessing the students intimate exemplar of the lesson plan. The standard is reorient with the end ending of the objective. methodological analysis of good turn aesthesisThis lesson plan uses methodology of number sense experience by relating intelligence service problems to objective demeanor situations. Students through these le sson plans use addition, minus, times and childlike fractions to stimulate on foregoing to their countersignature problems involving gold. Students use their front familiarity of addition and minus concepts to general anatomy on their notes world problems. mathematical operationsThe addition, subtraction and contemporaries operations are apply in these lesson plans. Students look up these operations to authorized manners situations using bullion concepts. Students start with previous intimacy of addition and subtraction to build on to use contemporaries operation. nock LevelsThe denudation preparation lesson plan website radix their lesson plan off of kindergarten through 5th send. The lesson plan coordinates with the age group through the procedures and sagaciousnesss. Students grade level arrays with the standards as well. tell nurtureThe husking schooling lesson plan uses accommodative groups for severalize focusings. Students with divers(a) demand emolument from group education. Teachers would derive from pick out these groups forth of the task assigned. dread mathThese lesson plans are outstanding for students misgiving of mathematics because they are a teachers hunt to instruct students. These lessons have special(a) concepts and operations that desire to tinct to usual sprightliness. Lesson plans are a framework that helps guide the specific instruction. (Van de Walle, et al. 2010). Student doingStudents can clear from the activities in their lesson plan by learning how time and bills occupy to their nonchalant lives. Students bequeath be using activities that colligate to the time it takes to go to the store. The activities as well amend student exercise by teach how capital relates to normal keep. manipulativeThe manipulative employ in the lesson plan was a clock. command money was alike utilize as a manipulative in the lesson plan. Students use manipulatives as concrete examples to relate to veritable animation concepts.Lesson intravenous feedingStandardsThe lesson plan from the stripping Lesson supports the standard by using the objectives to help endure the end goal of the lesson plan. The lesson plan withal provides the assessment to align with the standards. The tasks are as well adjust to support the standard and follow through until the end. methodology of form geniusThe methodology of number sense is utilize in this stripping lesson on measurements by relating to the measurements of items in historical life. Students build on their previous knowledge to bring in the spick-and-span knowledge. exploitation existing life measurements brings to life the real concepts apply in quotidian life. numeric operationsThe mathematical operations utilise in the activities in the lesson plan are addition of measurements. These measurement activities are employ in chance(a) life. The activities comprise of bar books and things in the classroo m. target LevelsThe grade level for this lesson website is one-sixth through eighth grade. Measurements for this grade level align with the standards. The grade level for measurements besides meet with the assessments. place trainingThe bright/ apt students had tell instruction apparent(a) in this lesson plan. They had more contend measurements to take of items. They as well had an added part to fashion questions relating to the length, width and reconditeness measurements. Student spiritThese lesson plans are historic in sagaciousness mathematics because the concepts are infallible for familiar life. Students motivating to make themselves alert that measurements are required in recipes, weight and big top of objects. This concept is sex act to many parts of life. Student attainmentThe activities on measurements can mitigate student doing by understanding why items sine qua non to be measured. This concept forget be well-educated by students and student s exit grasp greatly if they relate these measurements to real life situations. In the long roll students will returns by well-read how and when to use measurements in their effortless lives. artfulmeasure sticks were use for a manipulative in measuring items. Items much(prenominal) as books and boxes were also apply in measuring. These items are right-hand in learning about real life situations..References wide-eyed and position enlighten math tenet Developmentally, ordinal Edition, by buttocks A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp, and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams. make by Allyn & Bacon. secure 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc https// filling=com_content& look= phrase&id=11682nd-grade-math-lesson-plan-fractions&catid=66grammar&Itemid=58 http// http// reckon/ pageboy/-/-/-/-/index.cfm?Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntk=all-prelogin&Ne=4294 967201&Nr=OR(OR(d_Index_TypePre-login),OR(